Dr. Getelman Performs the “First-in-Human“ Procedure Using 4K Single-Use Arthroscope by Pristine Surgical
From Pristine Surgical:
Yesterday marked a new day for Pristine.
We successfully accomplished *two* “first-in-human“ arthroscopic procedures today, under the leadership and experienced hand of Dr. Mark Getelman at SCOI in Los Angeles. This was the first time ever that a fully-integrated single-use arthroscope was used on a live human.
“Superb”, “home run”, “perfect”, “beautiful” were all adjectives used yesterday to describe our device and its 4K image.
We concluded yesterday with a dinner hosted by Dr and Mrs Snyder including a dozen or so SCOI MDs and additional Pristine friends.
The thank yous are many.
To Dr Getelman, Dr Snyder, Mrs Snyder, Angel, Keitha and the SCOI MDs and staff. We’re privileged to be your partner. Thank you
You can learn more about the new, innovative and FDA approved single-use arthroscope here: